The Power of Forgiveness

The question of how to forgive is a common one I hear from my coaching clients. When you feel mistreated, wronged or hurt by someone, it’s difficult to forgive. When that “someone” is yourself, it can be even harder.

You’ve all been told to ‘forgive and forget,’ to move on, to let it pass…and you get it. But do you truly know how impactful this practice can be? Or that you can even make it a practice in itself? 

I want to share with you the  power of forgiveness.

One of the things with our emotions is that if we’re in relationships to other people and we have not forgiven them, we can feel emotionally blocked. It stops the free flow of genuine emotion and our ability to interact in a wholesome way with others’ emotions as well as our own.

Often we think to ourselves, “I don’t want to forgive that person because it gets them off the hook”.

The truth is this: that person is unaffected by you forgiving them. Instead, you are the one who receives healing when you forgive and let go.

If you are finding it hard to forgive, you may want to undergo a deep process to help you release the anger, sadness, pain, and blame that you’ve been holding inside of you.

Remember, you must truly let yourself forgive whatever has happened in the past. If you hold onto the blame or betrayal, forgiveness is nothing but a lip service. It’s just words.

You need to release all that blame and the hurt. Let it out, even say it out loud: ‘I forgive this.’

Forgiveness is only real if you let go of the whole consciousness. Then, the body can commence healing.

Do you have relationships in your life where you still may be holding on to that need to punish them for something they’ve done? Do you feel that with yourself?

If so, from this moment on try and let go. Offer real, true forgiveness. Bring them into your soul’s campfire and empty out all of the unspoken words you may be keeping inside. You are not excusing their actions; instead, you are lifting the burden from your own heart.

Learning to forgive is a skill, and, like any other, the more you practice, the more natural it becomes

Forgiveness is   an emotional and heartfelt process. 

it is the act of consciously accepting a personal offense and letting go of any negative feelings. This is done by using empathy and compassion to understand the person you are forgiving.

So it  is a process, not an immediate goal.

So let’s see the different stages of forgiveness

# Have the willingness to forgive.

It can be a challenging task, but a fulfilling one. Identify what you need to forgive and why (or if) you’re struggling to do so. If you are unwilling to forgive and hold on to your pain, you’ll continue to be stuck in a place of suffering.

# Be willing to see things from another’s perspective.

Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and try to understand why they behaved the way they did. 

Now, think back to a time when you were the offender. Doing this may help you be compassionate and remember that everyone makes mistakes.

# Practice forgiveness.

Through meditations, affirmations, journaling, or other means, release your pain and hurt to the universe. Let it go.

#Wish them well.

Holding a grudge is detrimental to your well-being. So, wish them well and be on your way.

# Do something symbolically to send positive energy in their direction.

Whether you decide to reconcile or remove the person from your life, send them some good vibes. After all, as the Law of Attraction states, like attracts like. So, when you think good, you attract good.

Forgiveness is a process, so it might take a while before you begin to notice changes. Check in with yourself from time to time:

  • When you think back to what happened, does it cause a trigger?
  • How does the energy feel when you think of the person or event? Does it feel heavy? Or does it feel light?
  • Do you feel like the love you have for yourself and your capacity to love has strengthened?

Commit to the process and you’ll eventually find yourself feeling lighter and happier with the ability to move past your blame story and start living your emp owering story.

 Hope this helps. Stay great. Remain peaceful. And keep reaching for higher.

Love + respect,


Life Designer Coach

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