Dear friends,

I want to share my wonderful experience of meditation in my life.

Before 2 years, I joined a course of meditation training program. As part of my course. I started meditating everday.What really changed was how I worked during the day. Before, I’d find myself distracted between different things, and feeling drained out .After meditating, I found my positive energy flowed easily.

I also began noticing how if I set goals, then things happened along the way to help me get there. This might sound a bit woo-woo to you, but I put it down to developing a single-minded focus and directing energy to the right tasks. My brain became better at cutting through noise and life clutter.

Good ideas became more frequent and I started implementing them in my business, which also changed. I was more productive and proactive when faced with situations, and I managed my emotions better too.

There’s an old meditation joke that says everyone should meditate for 30 minutes per day. But if you’re too busy to meditate, then you should do it for an hour. The humour points  to a truth that meditators know from experience. Meditation will change your life, but for it to work, you have to change your life to make room for

How Meditation Can Improve Your Life

The benefits of meditation include a mind that’s more stable, clear, content and joyful. But these can sometimes feel like abstract terms, removed from real-world application. If you’re meditating with change in mind, it can be helpful to hear of some ways in which meditation improves your daily wellbeing.

Meditation gives you a great start to your day.

Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and try to understand why they behaved the way they did. 

Now, think back to a time when you were the offender. Doing this may help you be compassionate and remember tha

I am not a morning person. But now I wake up at 5:30 am in order to meditate. Though I still have to forcibly drag myself from my warm cozy bed, once I sit on my meditation cushion I’m able to relax, breathe, and set my intention for the day.

Meditation allows you to center yourself and reflect on the day ahead. By setting your intentions, you are able to shape your experiences and your reactions to events around you. It’s a daily reminder that you are in control of your life. You can choose the kind of day you will have.

t everyone makes mistakes.

Meditation increases positivity.

I practice Loving Kindness  Meditation. This type of meditation generates and projects loving and positive feelings/energy into the universe. That means sending love, understanding, and compassion to yourself, family, friends, and even strangers.

Our energy and actions are like boomerangs. If you put out negative energy, if that is what you focus on, that is what will continuously show up in your life, and that is all that you will be capable of seeing. But when you create positive feelings, everything you see seems to change.

Meditation increases self-confidence

Seeing the world in a positive light has resulted in me seeing myself in a positive way

Taking the time to see the world and yourself in a positive light increases self-confidence and confirms that there is a place where you fit, just as you are. There is no need to try to be something that you are not. Meditation is an opportunity to sit with the realization that you are enough.

Meditation reduces anxiety.

Meditation is about turning off the negative chatter that creates anxiety. It’s about breathing and letting go. By focusing on positive energy and thoughts, you are able to reduce the anxiety that you might be holding onto.

Meditation helps you a deeper connection with yourself.

When I first started meditation, one of the most difficult things to do was to sit quietly with my own thoughts.

There was a disconnection between who I was and who I thought I should be. However, when you sit in silence without external distractions, your inner dialogue is difficult to ignore. The inner voice that tells the truth of who you are gets louder.

Meditation has a way of making you more mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and sense of who you are. It’s easier to create a life of happiness if you are able to connect with your authentic self. It’s a way for you to get to know yourself, from the inside out.

You can easily incorporate meditation into your life. All you need is a quiet place to sit and a couple of uninterrupted minutes, and you can even use a guided meditation (there are tons of free ones online).

The important thing is just to sit quietly without set expectations, free of self-judgment. There is no right or wrong way to do it.

Five minutes of meditation can have a significant and lasting impact on your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being

Why are you waiting? Start your meditation journey today itself…

Love + respect,


Life Designer Coach

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